End of a good time

I just learned yesterday that I am losing my job. They are re-vamping the company I work for so they cut all the fulltime positions except for the store manager and assistant. I pretty much knew this was going to happen since the retail industry has suffered so much; however, it happened so fast! I was given four days to determine my fate, and a week before I am done. I am really bummed out because I absolutely loved my job but I don't suppose I should give too much thought to a company that would just cut someone so fast without regaurd to their family and giving them time to figure things out.

So now I am going to find myself with a little time on my hands and I think I am going to make the best use out of it. I have a little over a month left until my vacation to Turks and Caicos so I am going to focus on exercising and eating better so that I might lose a little weight before trip and figure out a whole purpose for my extended vacation from work.

I am also going to work on the rest of my scrapbooking stuff so you will see a lot more of my work on here :) Maybe I'll even look at doing some designer work now that I have the time.

I am now going to head out and enjoy the rest of my day until I have to go to work for one of my last shifts. Enjoy your day, and for you Minnesotians enjoy the snow on this first day of spring!